How Govtech step into solving our climate and energy crisis

What are we talking about today ?


Meeting investors pushes our co-founder Philippe and Geoffrey to express the core values underpinning their whole vision as well as articulating the company’s business model to the bone. Urban’s Radar’s core belief is that the success of the mobility revolution towards less emissions (energy transition and VMT* reduction) requires public and private collaboration.

🚀 We are very excited that Impact investors resolutely identify Greentech as great opportunities to meet their impact and financial objectives.
We attribute to our observation of 3 main factors:
    1. Governments buying process speed for innovation improves towards the 3-5 months corporate B2B standards
    2. The private sector opportunity to leverage the public sector to reach their respective economic and regulatory goals
    3. Younger generation of public sector ‘people’ – at all levels of responsibility – fight for change from the inside.


Governments increasingly buy like B2B

Governments have been evolving towards Corporate B2B behaviour.
Yes, the public sector is still not capable of acting at rocket speed but some public entities are now slicker than some corporations. In the US or Europe, we see evidence that the public sector takes quick regulatory actions to tackle the environment, the energy crises and the social divide emergencies.
For example, raising the public procurement threshold by 120% (100k) to buy innovation in France or the European fast tracking investment to Research and Development budget for 10Bn+.


Public-private collaboration opens new market opportunities

Public-private collaboration unlocks new economic performance, regulatory structure, targeted mega-investments, social equity, etc. A great example is Project44 who just raised $80M to improve visibility for supply chain emissions. During the pandemic, multiple disruptions heightened the need for supply chain transparency. In November 2021, the Federal Maritime Commission of the United States launched an initiative to investigate data gaps. They discovered that limited or untrustworthy shipping data is a major impediment to better supply chain management. This data must be improved in order to meet the new sustainability targets to reduce their carbon intensity by at least 40% by 2030.


Agents of change are already inside

Urban Radar seats in the front seat of the public sector change.

From the Nordics to as South as Madeira in Portugal, politicians and municipal operators increasingly join a public career to be agents of change.

They act fast, break organizational silos, isolate the naysayers to drive impact in their communities. They change the system exactly like large corporations have been evolving 15 years ago: new ways of working, hyper responsive decisions and KPIs driven management. B2G turns into corporate B2B.


Urban Radar's takeway

Our civilisation is facing major climate-survival challenges while our society is facing energy and social inequity instabilities.
This doom horizon ironically creates opportunities for business and investors in green and gov tech. The climate, energy and social equity crisis can be mitigated with:
  • Innovation of public-private collaboration – adapting our individual behaviours (less heat, VMT, etc)
  • Helping the public sector target their investments, regulatory updates and decisions with improved data and at a pace never seen before.
Urban Radar’s suite of tools focuses on providing real time territorial knowledge to deeply improve Urban and mobility planning towards green objectives. We tackle multiple use-cases from Proximity (15 min city) to curb management.
Some legacy industries will be disrupted in the process
 but that’s Urban Radar secret business sauceÂ đŸ€«